International charitable help corporation

«Children for Children» action (Sofiyivska and Petropavlivska Borshchahivka)

«Children for Children» action (Sofiyivska and Petropavlivska Borshchahivka)

Sofiyivska Borshchahivka still holds the relay for the «Children for Children» action.
Today, representatives of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly and the International Charitable Help Corporation visited pre-schools in the villages of Sofiyivska Borshchahivka and Petropavlivska Borshchahivka.

Gratitude and Honor not only for adults

Gratitude and Honor not only for adults

Today, on May 6, 2024, representatives of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly and the International Charitable Help Corporation, together with the «VlAsvia» Charitable Foundation, visited the children of the Special Boarding School №11 in Kyiv for children with physical and/or mental development (with reduced vision) to wish them a happy Easter and express their gratitude and respect for participating in the «Art of Transformation» project.

«Children for Children». Centers’ mutual assistance

«Children for Children». Centers’ mutual assistance

Recently, as part of the «Children for Children» action, the Children’s Help Center in Kuchurgan village has been replenished with humanitarian aid from children of educational institutions of the Territorial Community of Sofiyivska Borshchahivka, Kyiv region. This time, the Center found a surplus of items for a certain age group of children. Therefore, it was decided to send these items to another Children’s Help Center in Turiysk.

Opening of the Center in Machukhy village

Opening of the Center in Machukhy village

Today, on April 26, 2024, a trilateral Memorandum of Cooperation and Organization of Relations between the International Anti-Corruption Assembly, the International Charitable Help Corporation and the Machukhiv Village Council of the Poltava District of the Poltava Region was signed in the village of Machukhiv, Poltava Oblast.

«Children for Children». Help on the way

«Children for Children». Help on the way

Sofiyivska Borshchahivka took over the challenge.
Today, on April 26, the humanitarian aid that was donated three days ago by the educational institutions of Sofiyivska Borshchahivka in Bucha district of Kyiv region as part of the «Children for Children» action has been sent by representatives of the IACA and the IChHC to the Children’s Help Centers of the territorial communities of Turiysk and Kuchurhan.

The award has found its Heroes (Turiysk)

The award has found its Heroes (Turiysk)

On Sunday, April 21, representatives of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly visited the Children’s Help Center, which opened a month ago in Turiysk and is open from 10:00 to 14:00 on Sundays. In this short time, the Center has been able to provide assistance to more than 150 large families, residents of 53 villages that are part of the local territorial community.

«Children for Children» action (Pechersk, Kyiv)

«Children for Children» action (Pechersk, Kyiv)

Lyceum No. 80 took the challenge.
Recently, within the framework of the project «Humanitarian Component of Victory», the next action «Children for Children» was held. Lyceum No. 80 of the Pechersk district of Kyiv took over from Vyshneve.

Gratitude for help

Gratitude for help

Today, on April 10, 2024, representatives of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly Vyacheslav Sayenko and Mykola Glushko visited the Department of Education of the Vyshneve City Council of Bucha District, Kyiv Region, and educational institutions of Vyshneve, which took part in the «Humanitarian component of Victory» project in the «Children for Children» action, which took place from February 19 to 28 this year.

Teamwork of the IACA

Teamwork of the IACA

The IACA members and the Charitable Organization «Charitable Foundation for the Support of the Ukrainian Military» – partners with whom a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed, as well as thanks to outside donors, a vehicle for our military was purchased in Europe.

The award found its Heroes in Prague

The award found its Heroes in Prague

During the working meetings in Prague, the representatives of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly met Sergiy Chupykov. He and his family – his wife, daughter and son-in-law – have been living outside of Ukraine for more than 10 years. They now live in Prague.