The Mission Of The Foundation

Charitable organization "international charitable corporation assistance is an International Foundation, founded in September 2015, the initiative of the Chairman of the NGO" International anti-corruption Assembly and Sayenko Christine for the strengthening and development of Ukraine's authority in the world.

The main goal of the Foundation is conducting a charitable activity:

-help victims of disasters, armed conflict and accidents, as well as refugees and persons who are in difficult circumstances;
-health care;
-Ecology, environment and protection of animals;
-assistance for the Elimination of their consequences;
-custody and guardianship, legal representation and legal aid;
social protection, social security, social services and poverty reduction;
-the development of Arts and culture, protection of cultural heritage;
-the development of science and scientific investigations;
-Sport and physical culture;
-protection of the rights of man and of the citizen and fundamental freedoms;
-the development of local communities;
-the development of international cooperation;
-stimulate economic growth and development of the economy of Ukraine and its separate regions and competitiveness;
-promoting State, regional, local and international programs aimed at improving the socio-economic situation in Ukraine.