Today (on April 19, 2023) in Milan (Italy) the delegation of NGO «International Anti-corruption Assembly» had the honor to meet with the Reverend Monsignor Nunzio Rimaudo.
His Excellency His Eminence Monsignor Nunzio Rimaudo – Orthodox Archpriest, Governor of the Aragonese Royal Dynastic Order of Knights of St. Ioann, Prior of Lombardy of the Sovereign Order of St. Ioann of Jerusalem – Maltese knights.
He was ordained an Orthodox priest, taking on the institutional tasks of consolidating the church structures. Carried out diplomatic activities and organized relevant humanitarian missions.
He currently monitors, assists, and coordinates social events and initiatives for the Third Sector. (ed.: The third sector are those who, by coming together, are trying to make a difference in their lives themselves – non-profit organizations, associations of people who have come together not for profit.). He serves as president of Volunteers and Cooperators Without Borders; as secretary general of «Ateneo della Cultura per la Legalità APS».
In 2018, through the will of His Royal Highness Prince Don Torbjorn Paterno Castello di Carcacci, he received the title of Prince with the predicate of San Teodoro, in the Order he is head of the clergy and serves as Minister of Humanities.
The guests of His Excellency Nunzio Rimaudo were the General Secretary of the IACA Central Committee Vyacheslav Sayenko, the Head of the IACA Representative Office in Italy Roman Romansky and the Head of the Ukrainian Representative Office of the CO «International Inner Wheel» Olga Ruseva.
«International Inner Wheel» is one of the largest women’s volunteer organizations in the world and works more than in 103 countries.
Charitable organization created the Help Refugees from Ukraine project for rendering the urgent help and support to refugees in the conditions of emergency and unforeseen situation in Ukraine.
During the meeting the issues of cooperation of humanitarian missions, reconstruction and development of Ukraine after the end of the war on the territory of our country were discussed. They discussed such close to us topics as corruption, which, thanks to the bureaucratic machine, prevents the full provision of the population with goods and services, which are so necessary for the people of our country to live in a “civilized” country. The possibility of developing joint projects, for a global service to change life for the better (both in politics and in society), getting adequate medical care with modern equipment, the availability of social services, business projects to improve the standard of living of the population.
On the end of a meeting Monsignor Nunzio Rimaudo was awarded the «Badge of Honor» – the Award «GRATITUDE TO THE WORLD from Ukrainian people for the Humanitarian Component of VICTORY» for its humanitarian activity around the world, for the help, support and the organization of the humanitarian missions directed to improvement of quality of life of different population groups.

Olga Ruseva also received the award for her volunteer work, help and support for refugees from Ukraine who were far from home.

Our country expresses gratitude to all our volunteers, the international community, private donors who have interfered to support Ukraine when the country most of all needed it, and at the initiative of NGO «International Anti-corruption Assembly» with the support of CO «International Charitable Help Corporation» was created «Badge of Honor» – the Award «GRATITUDE TO THE WORLD from Ukrainian people for the Humanitarian Component of VICTORY»
This unique creation made of brass – the remains of the shell casings of weapons, which has been used for protection of our country for the last year, which were handed over to representatives of the International Anti-corruption Assembly. This a symbol of gratitude born in the hearts of soldiers, volunteers, mothers, wives, children, all who are acquainted with fight against planetary «Evil».