Today (April 25, 2023) the IACA in Prague 11, Czech Republic.
Prague 11 is a municipal district in Prague, located in the southeastern part, 8 km from the city center.
«Badge of Honor» «Gratitude to the World from the Ukrainian people for the Humanitarian component of the Victory» was awarded to:
Jiří Dohnal – was mayor of Prague 11 until December 21, 2022. Based on a coalition agreement between the parties, HPP11 and Prague 11 became the Representative of the Municipality of Prague 11 and Councillor of the Municipal Council of Prague 11 in Property, Investment, Crime Prevention and IT. During the Business «Tour of Europe» last year, Vyacheslav Sayenko – Secretary General of the Central Committee of IACA personally presented a letter of thanks to Jiří Dohnal from the International Anti-Corruption Assembly for his active work in organizing and providing humanitarian assistance to refugee children from Ukraine, who were sheltered by the Prague 11 city district, and for kindness and patience, for being considerate to them and showing solidarity in this difficult and tragic time for Ukraine.

Also awarded were members of his team involved in the organization of humanitarian aid. Among them:
- Radek Adamec – Southern Municipal Property a.s.
- Jan Schneider – South Municipal Public A. o,
- Petr Scheibal – Municipal Police District Office Prague 11,
- Jiři Košárek – Volunteer Firefighters Corps Prague 11 – Chodov,
- Also: Pavel Krčilek, Petr Jirava, Barbora Matysová, Petra Víznerová, Marta Šorfová, Martin Platz.