Two weeks ago, representatives of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly (IACA) and the First International Public Media-Communication Alliance (FIPMA) went on a business trip to Zakarpattia region.
Secretary General of the IACA Central Committee Vyacheslav Sayenko met with representatives of the Assembly of the Western region of our country Roman Roman, Head of the IACA Department in the Zakarpattia region, and his Deputy Bohdan Alechko. The discussion touched upon several topical issues: the activities of the IACA and the Humanitarian Component of Victory project. Bohdan Stepanovych described the volunteer movement in the region and offered to visit several volunteer centers that have been engaged in humanitarian activities since the aggressor’s invasion of Ukraine and have been helping the Armed Forces, other military formations, hospitals, orphanages, IDPs, victims of hostilities, the poor and people in need.
Vyacheslav Sayenko, together with FIPMA President Natalia Owsianyk and accompanied by Bohdan Alechko, met with several representatives of the volunteer movement in the western region of our country.
On July 26, the delegation left for the first meeting, which took place in a beautiful place on the territory of the Black Rock Health Resort Hotel in Vynogradiv.
The meeting was attended by Anton Cheipesh, Vasyl Vatsko and Daniel Kozlovych.

Anton Cheipesh is the head of the Korolevo village council.
Korolevo (Hungarian: Királyháza – house of the king) is an urban-type settlement in Berehove (Vynohradiv) district of Zakarpattia region of Ukraine, the center of the Korolevo settlement community.
The Royal community uses all available methods to help our military and people who fled their homes to save their lives from the war. All of them, without exception, received qualified assistance and, if necessary, humanitarian aid in the form of food and basic necessities. The foundation sends the collected food and supplies to the soldiers of the 128th Brigade and other military units. Actively cooperates with Romanian colleagues in the humanitarian field. Prepares assistance to single pensioners.

A message from Anton Cheypesh’s Facebook page: “Once again, I thank everyone who helps, everyone who does not sit on the couch with malicious comments and hatred for any activity in this difficult time for everyone, but simply silently contributes to helping our citizens!”

Anton Cheipesh was awarded the “Badge of Honor” – the award “Gratitude of the World from the Ukrainian People for the Humanitarian Component of the Victory”.

Vasyl Vatsko and Daniel Kozlovych – helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine, organizing an aid station at the front and creating bulletproof vests with plates from car springs, raising funds and sending humanitarian aid, cars, special equipment, as well as food, home-cooked meals to the military… (Vynogradiv district: how fifty Transcarpathians create “armor” for our military).

Daniel Kozlovych – Volunteer and organizer of Strong Race, a charity obstacle course race, the Carpathian Mile. All the funds raised are donated to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. (UAH 116.5 thousand was raised for the needs of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade at a charity race in Uzhhorod, 233 participants registered for the obstacle course in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine)
Vasyl and Daniel were awarded for their humanitarian work.

Mykhailo and Nina Pavlii are the owners of the Logindariy hotel and entertainment complex.
Logindariy is a modern establishment located in a peaceful place with a magnificent view of the mountains, a beautiful park and a large garden.

Bohdan Alechko told about the humanitarian aid to the displaced Mykhailo and Nina.
For their humanitarian work, the Pavliys were awarded the “Badge of Honor”.

On July 28, the delegation traveled to Uzhhorod, a city of multicultures, aromatic coffee, ancient architecture and amazingly cute mini-monuments, where they met with representatives of the NGO Armada Carpathians.
Roman Megela, the Head of the NGO “Armada Carpathians” and Ruslan Leshanych, a representative of the organization, which, even before the large-scale invasion of Ukraine by the aggressor, helped orphanages, boarding schools, the elderly, lonely and low-income people in Uzhhorod and suburban areas. The aid was also sent to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations. Fundraising is being organized to purchase the necessary equipment for the military.
“We join all possible activities aimed at supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine!
We run, donate, fight, help and support our soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Together to Victory!”
We run, donate, fight, help and support our soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Together to Victory!”

Mykhailo Shimon is an entrepreneur and volunteer.
For helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations, for helping IDPs and those in need, Mykhailo was awarded the “Badge of Honor”.

On July 29, Vyacheslav Sayenko and Natalia Osvianyk visited the humanitarian aid distribution center in the village of Dragovo, which was organized by Bohdan Alechko before the outbreak of hostilities to help people in need, children, orphanages, camps, pensioners and people with disabilities. And starting from February 24, 2022, it doubles or even triples its activities and, according to the “Initiative of the Present” project, controls the links in the cycle of international humanitarian aid provided by foreign donors. It delivers and accompanies aid from Europe from IACA offices in Italy, Malta, the Czech Republic and other foreign partners who are helping the Ukrainian people in this difficult time.

Earlier, we wrote that Bohdan Alechko was honored to receive the Award “Gratitude of the World from the Ukrainian People for the Humanitarian Component of the Victory”. Today, the award was presented to the center’s employees, who have rightly proved their involvement in the Humanitarian Component of Victory project. The award was given to the following for their volunteer activities: Mykhailo Rishko, Svitlana Rishko, Vasyl Kurychka and Viacheslav Dovhanych.

On the way, Bohdan told us about his native land – the village of Drahovo in the Khust district of the Zakarpattia region of Ukraine.
Also on this day, he showed the famous picturesque locations for which his native land is famous. Among them:
-Kolochava is a village of ten museums located in one of the most picturesque corners of Zakarpattia. One of the most popular is the Old Village Museum, the first rural museum of architecture and life in Zakarpattia.
-The legendary Lake Synevyr is the largest and deepest alpine mountain lake in the Carpathians, located at an altitude of 989 meters above sea level and is one of the top seven natural wonders of Ukraine.
-Brown Bear Rehabilitation Center, where 30 bears are being rehabilitated, which were taken from circuses, entertainment centers, confiscated from smugglers, and others. Veterinarians work with the animals, they are vaccinated and undergo all necessary sanitary procedures.
On July 30, the delegation visited the village of Veliatyno and met with Robert Munkachi and Mykola Dykun, who were engaged in volunteer and humanitarian activities in the area.
In recognition of their services, they were honored to receive the “Gratitude of the World from the Ukrainian People for the Humanitarian Component of the Victory” award.

The awards ceremony and meeting took place in the cozy recreation center Provance, owned by Serhii Khymynets. He is assisted by two wonderful girls, Agnes Bukovych and Solomiia Antal. Since February 24, 2022, Serhii and his team have been organizing fundraisers, food and supplies for IDPs and the military, which are sent to the IACA’s central humanitarian warehouse in Khust.
Serhii, Agnes and Solomiia were also awarded “Badge of Honor” for their active humanitarian work.

On July 31, the delegation visited the volunteer center in Vynohradiv, headed by Lyudmyla Svoren, who was awarded on May 2 this year. Lyudmyla told the delegation about her center and team, whose work deserves respect and reward.
The following people were awarded the “Badge of Honor” for their active humanitarian work: Mykhailo Chiypesh, Nadia Chiypesh, Jennifer Chiypesh, Snizhana Migorich, Stepan Stolecy, Vera Stolecy, Anzhela Piatnytska, Vova Svoren, Marianna Ujvari-Geukan, Mariana Geukan, Oleh Stangret, Tetyana Dubrovka, Denys Svoren, Daryna Piatnytska, and Tatiana Sukhai.

On this day, the Khust Humanitarian Aid Center of the IACA Department in Zakarpattia region, headed by Bohdan Alechko, awarded IACA members who are directly involved in volunteer activities in the region. These are the guys who are responsible for unloading, loading and transportation of humanitarian cargo in the center.
The Honors were awarded to: Mykhailo Bochkor, Yuriy Kut, Ruslan Rishko, Mykhailo Rishko and Volodymyr Sidey.

On August 2, in one of the offices of the Khust Humanitarian Aid Center of the IACA Department, which houses the headquarters of the humanitarian aid distribution of the “Mission of Health” Charitable Foundation under the leadership of Hanna Romanenko, who was awarded the “Badge of Honor” on May 2 this year. Hanna presented the activities of the foundation and the team of girls who help in humanitarian activities.
The award “Gratitude of the World from the Ukrainian People for the Humanitarian Component of the Victory” was rightly given to the following: Svitlana Romanenko, Tetiana Terentieva, Lyudmyla Voronkova, Olga Umanska, Katerina Torbina, Liliia Kukalo, Renata Belozorova, Nataliia Pustovit, Yuliia Kharina, Oksana Kozarenko, Olena Setiukova and Nataliia Yuryshynets.
On August 3, Vyacheslav and Natalia arrived at the warehouse in Khust, where the humanitarian cargo arrived from Germany was unloaded. The cargo was described by Vyacheslav Nedzelsky, pastor of the Istyna Church in Khust.
A 20-ton refrigerated truck with food for local volunteer centers was promptly unloaded in almost 1.5 hours with the help of a team of young people, including young deacons of the church in Khust. The cargo was distributed to nearly 30 foundations and organizations, which were immediately sent to the points of distribution of humanitarian aid.
The following people were awarded with the “Badge of Honor” for their active assistance and volunteer work: Vitaliia Lytvyn, Volodymyr Holub, Vyacheslav Nedzelsky, Daniil Nedzelsky, Stanislav Fedoryshyn, Vasyl Bokoch, Oleksii Pogorelsky, Artem Baranov and Mykhailo Dordi.
During the unloading, Natalia Ovsianyk managed to talk to the truck driver Yuriy from Kivertsi, Lutsk Oblast, who brought the humanitarian cargo.- How long have you been involved in transportation?

– For over 20 years I worked for European companies, Polish and Dutch. When the war started, I worked for a Dutch company. I came home, and because I have health problems, I was not hired anywhere, and I can do nothing else. I started looking for Ukrainian carriers to work for, because I can’t go back to Europe. Although the difference in salary is significant. But I have to do this job.
– Do you get delivery requests from different locations or from one supplier?
– We are transporting humanitarian aid from a company in Ostbevern, Germany, and now they have found this customer who asked us to bring it here. On Monday, I drove the truck to the frozen semi-finished products plant. They loaded everything fresh, and I left. The trip took three days, because you have to follow the rules for international truckers. That is, you can drive for 9 hours, and then you have to rest. The trucks now have special equipment built in. They read information about the trip through chip cards. And they monitor it. The driver must not be tired or sleepy, otherwise there is a chance of an accident. And the point is not that the cargo or the driver can get hurt, but that other people can get hurt.
– What is the situation at the Customs now?
– The Krakivets is a priority. Especially as a humanitarian cargo. I stood for 30 minutes and they let me through. I didn’t even have to give a bribe to the girl who was guiding me… (laughs). They called Hanna (note: Hanna Romanenko), she confirmed that she was waiting for the cargo, they checked everything and formalized it. It would have taken about half a day. But it happens differently. Sometimes it can take three days or a week. But for the most part, our services are loyal. But that’s with humanitarian cargo, but commercial cargo… It’s not just from Germany, there are other countries from all over the EU at the checkpoint. There are cars from France, Lithuania, Latvia…
The business trip was over. On August 4, Vyacheslav Sayenko and Nataliia Osvianyk returned to Kyiv. There is still a lot of work to be done and many meetings to be held. But the notion that while in the east of our country there are those far away in the trenches, thanks to whom we can sleep peacefully and enjoy every minute of our lives, makes it clear that not only the victims need help, but also those who protect us.
Many thanks to the soldiers who are defending our country and many thanks to those who are in the rear taking care of those who need it.