Svetlana Kolouskova
Owner of Lapidárium Gallery. From April 4 to 18 the gallery is presenting the multimedia project UKRAIN REVIVAL. This project presents unique artistic expressions and metaphors of famous Ukrainian artists, their philosophy based on the centuries-old spiritual heritage of Ukraine. Part of this project was the press-conference «Gratitude to the World from the Ukrainian People for the Humanitarian Component of the Victory», which took place on April 12, 2023 in the Gallery «Lapidárium», one of the organizers of which is the International Anti-Corruption Assembly.

Severyn Romaniv
Employee of the Cardiology Center of the Prague University General Hospital, Member of the Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Group of the VFN Cardiology Center, Prague

Lesya Kopchuk
Owner of a wedding dress salon in Prague, which she turned into a factory making body armor, military uniforms and periscopes, founding a volunteer association of Czech women to help Ukraine
photo: Yuliia Bondar
The women began working with the needs of the military and sewing bulletproof vests, sleeping bags, underwear, pouches for guns and first aid packs, raincoats, jackets and pants. In the last batch, which Lesya Kopchuk took to Ukraine in January, the volunteers made 1,000 periscopes, 200 bulletproof vests, 100 military suits and so many underwear that they can’t even count.

Halina Vasilenko
Beregynya (The Keeper) of Prague Kryivka (Úkryt)
Together with Taras Kostjuk and other volunteers, they have been collecting aid for the Ukrainian army since 2014, and making camouflage nets and kikimoras.

Taras Kostjuk
Together with Halina Vasilenko and other volunteers, they have been collecting aid for the Ukrainian army since 2014.

Christina Guo
Christina Guo owns the sushi restaurant Ginza in Prague. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, she has been helping Ukrainian refugees during this difficult time. With the help of her acquaintances Christina collects clothes, necessary for life things and gives them to people from Ukraine who need them. And in her restaurant she provides them with free meals.

Hanna Longauerova
Is the owner of a studio-salon in Prague. She hired Ukrainian women to work in her salon.

Pavlina Hruba
Is a specialist in the salon studio. She helped a lot with the employment of Ukrainian women in the salon.

Petr Oliva
CENTRUM humanitární pomoci Ukrajině (CENTER for humanitarian aid to Ukraine)
Assistance, organization, dispatch of humanitarian aid for Ukrainian displaced persons and refugees and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
During the IAA delegation’s business trip to Europe, Petr Oliva handed over 10 boxes of humanitarian cargo for displaced children and orphanages in Ukraine. The humanitarian cargo from the Czech Republic to Ukraine was personally delivered by a driver-volunteer Vasily Slivka, who has been engaged in passenger transportations on a route Ukraine-Czech Republic and back for a long time.

Gabriela Oliva
CENTRUM humanitární pomoci Ukrajině (CENTER for humanitarian aid to Ukraine)

Václav Volšik
Deputy Head of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly office in the Czech Republic. Organization and control over the collection, transportation and delivery of humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Jiří Dohnal and his team
Jiří Dohnal - was mayor of Prague 11 until December 21, 2022. Based on a coalition agreement between the parties, HPP11 and Prague 11 became the Representative of the Municipality of Prague 11 and Councillor of the Municipal Council of Prague 11 in Property, Investment, Crime Prevention and IT.
Active activity of the municipality in the organization and provision of humanitarian assistance to refugee children from Ukraine, who have been given shelter by the Prague 11 city district. In June 2022, Vyacheslav Sayenko – General Secretary of the Central Committee of the IAA personally presented a letter of thanks to Jiří Dohnal from the International Anti-Corruption Assembly for his help, kindness, patience, attentiveness to children and demonstrated solidarity in this difficult and tragic time for Ukraine.
Also awarded were members of his team involved in the organization of humanitarian aid. Among them:
Radek Adamec – Southern Municipal Property a.s.
- Jan Schneider – South Municipal Public A. o,
- Petr Scheibal – Municipal Police District Office Prague 11,
- Jiři Košárek – Volunteer Firefighters Corps Prague 11 – Chodov,
- Also: Pavel Krčilek, Petr Jirava, Barbora Matysová, Petra Víznerová, Marta Šorfová, Martin Platz.

Marek Sattler
The city of Karlovy Vary. Entrepreneur, businessman, hotel owner in the Czech Republic
Since the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, he and his wife Barbara Jakubuv have been providing humanitarian support to Ukrainian refugees, providing them with help, housing and jobs during their stay in Czech cities.

Barbara Jakubuv
Entrepreneur in Karlovy Vary
Since the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, she and her husband Marek Sattler have been providing humanitarian help to Ukrainian refugees, providing them with assistance, housing, and jobs while they stay in Czech cities.

Sergiy Chupykov
Entrepreneur, businessman
Sergiy Chupykov and his family – his wife, daughter and son-in-law – have been living outside of Ukraine for more than 10 years. They now live in Prague. Iryna and Tetyana have a hobby. They are engaged in fabric painting. With their skills, they create masterpieces from ordinary items of clothing, such as caps, T-shirts, bags, and keds. They take part in all kinds of events, including exhibitions and fairs, and donate the funds raised to help Ukraine.

Alla Pecherska
Entrepreneur, amazing woman, "twice displaced"
In more than a year and a half, she was able to open her own business in Prague. Now she has a small restaurant-bar with a banquet hall, which hosts corporate events, children’s parties, anniversaries, as well as yoga and oriental dance classes.
Antonina and Iryna, Ukrainian immigrants from Khust (Zakarpattia region) and Kyiv, work in the kitchen with her. Alla has gathered around her similarly creative Ukrainian craftswomen. Together, they make and sell handmade products at fairs: beaded jewelry, woolen dolls, painted towels and bags, and fabric toys.