The «Children for Children» action is expanding its territorial limits.

On September 3, in Prague, Vyacheslav Sayenko (International Anti-Corruption Assembly) and Gabriela Oliva (Spolek proUKRAJINU, z.s.) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation and Organization of Interactions.

During the discussion, Petr and Gabriela Oliva agreed that the development of the «Children for Children» action in the Czech Republic can significantly help children both in Ukraine and in Prague, and they are ready to support the initiative and help with the implementation of this project in Prague.

The goal of the action «Children for Children» is for children who have the opportunity to help other children who have suffered from the aggression of the occupant and are in difficult life circumstances on the territory of Ukraine. This action is organized in educational institutions and is voluntary and free of charge.

Since 2014, Petr and Gabriela have been volunteering and organizing humanitarian aid for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, other military formations, hospitals, and the population of Ukraine. During these 10 years, Petr, whose family originates from the Ukrainian lands, has been traveling to the front line in the eastern region of Ukraine and delivering humanitarian aid to the military. And after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the occupier, he and his team delivered humanitarian aid to hospitals, schools and victims in Ukraine, and organized aid for IDPs in the Czech Republic at the «CENTRUM humanitární pomoci Ukrajině».

On April 24, 2023, Petr and Gabriela were awarded the «Badge of Honor»the «Gratitude of the World from the Ukrainian People for the Humanitarian Component of the Victory» Award for their volunteer work.

Petr and Gabriela Oliva learned about the «Children for Children» action, which our team conducts in Ukraine, during the UkrFest THANK YOU 2, where they were honored guests. A few days later, they started collecting and purchasing school supplies to send them to Ukraine to those children who need help and support.

This humanitarian aid will be sent to Ukraine in the near future. We will also deliver blankets, bedspreads and rugs for children at a school in Okhtyrka through our Children’s Help Center to keep them warm in their shelters during the air raid.

Our team is very grateful to everyone who does not stop in the face of difficulties, who has helped and continues to help those who need help. We are grateful for their sincerity, dedication, patience and support.

Join our team. Join the «Children for Children» action.