Support to the MRC

Today, on September 17, representatives of the International Anti-Corruption Assembly handed over 2 out of 4 generators received from our partners – Czech volunteers Petr and Gabriela Oliva, during their last business trip to Prague. These generators went to «MRC “Personnelite”» – a medical rehabilitation center, which will soon open its doors for those who need the most specialized medical and rehabilitation aid.

Vyacheslav Sayenko (Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Assembly) and Victor Badiya (Head of the Representative Office of the Assembly in Ukraine) held a meeting with the Director of the MRC Valeriy Kostikov (Doctor-Oncologist of the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences).

To date, preparations for the opening of the Center and recruitment of personal medical staff (rehabilitologists, physiotherapists, psychologists…) are underway. Also, in the future, it is planned to create a prosthetics department.

«The staff of the Center is mostly military, who have passed «Maydan», ATO, and some of them are still in hot zones in the east of Ukraine. There is a public organization «Ukrainian Association of ATO disabled», which helps fighters to rehabilitate after injuries….
The main patients of the MRC will be military persons who suffered from combat operations. Civilians, who suffered during the hostilities, their family members and displaced persons will also undergo rehabilitation.»

The International Anti-Corruption Assembly team is glad that in this difficult time there are people who do not forget about those who need help. Who, with all their efforts, bring care, help and kindness to this world.